HOW TO SELL ANYTHING TO ANYONE By Nathan Blaszak, Director, Apply Hypnosis Centre It’s mind-boggling to me when I talk to most copywriters, marketers and entrepreneurs and they desperately search for the best approach to communicate or market a written message – when the most obvious tools are staring them right in the face. What’s even more baffling to me is that many of them have to search for the “best way” to motivate prospects to buy their product and services – instead of first understanding what unconsciously motivates them to act. If you haven’t guessed what the most obvious tools are that’s staring you right in the face, its unconscious psychological devices – more particularly, the thinking habits of every brain on the face of the planet earth. Unconscious psychological devices are “motivations” of the mind that are embedded deep within a person’s brain, and require a simple “push button” trigger to activate an automatic response action from their brain in the form of pl...