
Showing posts from August 23, 2015

How People are Getting Rich Easily Online

How People are Getting Rich Easily Online Click Here

How to Eliminate Poverty Consciousness and Manifest True Abundance

How to Eliminate Poverty Consciousness and Manifest True Abundance Have you ever wondered how poverty consciousness is created and what you can do to step out of it? By Jafree Oswald and Margot Zaher  The Manifesting Super Gold Pack Sometimes it happens that we become overly entangled in the material world and get wrapped up in feeling that we always need more money. This idea of lacking money sends toxic stress chemicals to the brain causing the body to fight or flee for its life. Anytime we repetitively feel that there is not enough of "this or that", it forms a chemical rut of impoverished thinking in our body-mind which depletes our energy, manifesting vibration, and financial outlook on life. Every time this lacking feeling is regurgitated it creates mini "poverty attacks" in the inner world, which eventually manifest into physically lacking finances on the outer world. The good news is that this entrapped cyclical experience is only here to give you a...

16 Wildly Successful People Who Failed Before Becoming Superstars

16 Wildly Successful People Who Failed Before Becoming Superstars Robert F. Kennedy once said that “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” By Marelisa Fabrega /  Daring to Live Fully When any of us fail at something, it’s hard to keep things in perspective. On the other hand, it’s easy to fall prey to catastrophic thinking along the following lines: That’s it; I’ll never get another chance again. Everyone will know that I’ve failed and no one will ever want to work with me again. I guess I just don’t have what it takes. That’s where stories about other people who have failed, and then went on to win big-time, come in. They help us to think the following: If they could get through that, I can get through this. They got a second chance, and I deserve one, too. Maybe if I persevere, like they did, I’ll also achieve my goals and dreams. I will take this risk. If I fail, I’ll use that failure to do better the next time In the spirit of looking...

Failure Is The Secret To Success

Failure Is The Secret To Success -- Richard Branson I recently hosted the annual Sunday Times Fast Track 100 event at my Oxfordshire home. It brings together leaders from the 100 fastest-growing private companies in Britain, a number of other leading entrepreneurs and a few aspiring entrepreneurs from the Branson Centre for Entrepreneurship in Johannesburg and from the British government's Start-Up Loans Scheme, which Virgin administers. By Richard Branson /  The Wealth Switch We spent the day listening to each other and sharing stories of achievement and innovation. There was lots of laughter and some great conversations. Looking at the people gathered around our dinner table, I had a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what makes a successful entrepreneur. I found myself going back to basics: the three key attributes that can make a real difference to a person's career. While I've touched on these points before, some of the entrepreneurs' stories highlighted th...