16 Wildly Successful People Who Failed Before Becoming Superstars Robert F. Kennedy once said that “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” By Marelisa Fabrega / Daring to Live Fully When any of us fail at something, it’s hard to keep things in perspective. On the other hand, it’s easy to fall prey to catastrophic thinking along the following lines: That’s it; I’ll never get another chance again. Everyone will know that I’ve failed and no one will ever want to work with me again. I guess I just don’t have what it takes. That’s where stories about other people who have failed, and then went on to win big-time, come in. They help us to think the following: If they could get through that, I can get through this. They got a second chance, and I deserve one, too. Maybe if I persevere, like they did, I’ll also achieve my goals and dreams. I will take this risk. If I fail, I’ll use that failure to do better the next time In the spirit of looking...